Thursday, December 28, 2006
Resolution Revolution!
I resolve to try not to get too upset if my son decides to go to college away from home (but I plan to beg and plead for him to stay local).
I hope when I look back here from December 2007, I won't be disappointed. I hope you and yours have a great '07. Please resolve to read all Dara Edmondson's books this year - oh, and recommend them to all your friends!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Woe is Me
The power is ours, you might say,(as Captain Planet did). We could easily turn them down - not go have loads of fun and enjoy their stimulating company. But we're mere mortals - weak and prone to lapses in our resolve. So here's my wish to you. May you find yourselves with such enabling friends this holiday season. You'll have a terrific time. Plus, you'll have that much more to repent for come January. So eat, drink and overindulge with reckless abandon. And have one for me!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Diet Don'ts and Don'ts
But that's the way the cookie crumbles (pardon my reference to food again!) So, I end up every January first way over my caloric as well as my monetary budget. Here's the good news - January is resolution month. I think it's no coincidence that resolution month comes immediately after overindulgence month. That's the ying and yang of it - the balance of the universe. But please - let calories burned in January equal or outnumber calories consumed in December. Please???
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Teenage Wasteland
Monday, December 11, 2006
Another Chapter...
The toughest thing about writing saucy sex into a novel is the knowledge that your parents will read it. I hope and pray my Dad skims over those parts. Yes - he does. I must believe that!
Friday, December 8, 2006
What Little Girls Are Made Of...
The nursery rhyme author never met my daughter or her arch nemesis/best friend (depending on the day). The pair is 12 years old - almost 13 and my husband and I cringe at the thought of them becoming teenagers and fighting about, say - boys. Right now they're not speaking. No problem, you might say - perhaps they need the time apart. And I'd agree with you, save for the fact that they must ride in the same carpool most days to and from school and live a block apart. Oh - did I mention their older brothers are close friends and their fathers and mothers are bestest friends. Yes - this complicates the issue immensely.
Arch Nemesis insists my daughter sent an email to the boy AN has a crush on. In it, said daughter pretended to be AN and professed her undying affection for the boy. My daughter insists it wasn't her. Now AN has supposedly turned all the other 12-13 year old females in their class against my daughter. Who do you believe. Did you think we were talking politics for a moment? Does the United Nations have similar distrust issues?
Eventually the pair will kiss and make up until the next drama begins. Until that time both girls will make their parents' lives a living Hell.
Dr. Spock never said there'd be days like this!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Inlaws and Outlaws
Being married to a man whose family hails from rural West Virginia, I'm always in awe of the products of a family tree with no branches - Cousin Kermit, straight from prison, Uncle Ralph, released from the mental institution on a one-day pass.
Like lambs to the slaughter, we line up to get a serving of Grandma Bertha's corn casserole which may or may not have poisoned Grandpa Howard last year.
Well - best of luck to you all as you trek through the muck of dysfunctional family functions. May the force be with you!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Black Friday Madness
I'm proud to say that my holiday shopping is now nearly complete. After a late start, (by my standards) I got a running start and threw myself into it. All I have left to buy is some stupid figurine toy for my nephew and colognes for my in-laws. Pretty darned good.
Anyway, good news on the writing front. I've had another request for a full manuscript. Keep your fingers crossed.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Lucy Bakes!
Have a great Thanksgiving and don't eat too much pie. Just pretend I made it and it won't taste quite as good!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Home Sweet Home
I've returned from NYC and boy O boy does it feel good to take a shower in my own shower and lay on my own bed! Mission accomplished (Ick - did I sound like someone just then?) How embarrassing.
I came home to find my fist short story was released from The Wild Rose Press. It'll only set you back a buck-fifty, so run over to and check it out. Write me a review while you're at it;-)
BTW, we took an Amtrak train all the way from New York to Orlando - my husband is such a good sport. He indulges me for all sorts of reasons. This time it was because I hate to fly. Yes - I know. I'm a wimp. Everyone from my family to the bag boy at my supermarket has pointed that out. Do me a favor - if you know someone with a phobia, don't tell them to just get over it. That's simplistic and unrealistic. As long as it doesn't cause you harm, let them be. Okay - stepping off the soap box now. Time to start making some cranberry chutney for Thanksgiving. Have a great holiday.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I took the plunge
On another subject, I leave for the big apple in a couple of days. Have to help the folks move out of the house I grew up in. I wonder if I'll get choked up...
On a happier note, I just started a new book that seems pretty good. It's Barbara Samuel's Madame Mirabou's School of Love. I'm taking the train so I have 3 books packed along with holiday cards to write out and my MP3.
My fractured foot is almost heeled (pun!) and I've decided to leave the ski boot of a cast at home. Hope I can survive in sneakers. If not, no problem - the left one works just fine.