Monday, November 27, 2006

Black Friday Madness

What is up with people waiting on lines in the middle of the night in the freezing cold? Okay, okay, you get some awesome deals but you see the worst of the shopping humanity. I love shopping - when there are not a gazillion people with the same idea at the same moment. I admit I was out there with them but not until 6 am. I missed the best deals because I wasn't on line with the die-hards. But I still got a two station cordless phone for free after the rebate and a fax/scanner/copier/printer for $40 after the rebates.
I'm proud to say that my holiday shopping is now nearly complete. After a late start, (by my standards) I got a running start and threw myself into it. All I have left to buy is some stupid figurine toy for my nephew and colognes for my in-laws. Pretty darned good.
Anyway, good news on the writing front. I've had another request for a full manuscript. Keep your fingers crossed.

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