Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pride Goeth Before a Fall!

Well, I've been a bad girl - goal wise. That's what I get for bragging about meeting my writing goals. I've written nary a word in the last few days between working on edits for my upcoming novel, The Kitten Club and my short story, Kissing Cousins, kids' appointments, volunteering at schools and lunch dates, writing has taken a back seat. Sometimes it seems like everything conspires against me - even my dear, sweet kitty cat, Tinker. Sometimes, when I'm trying to work, she gets jealous and jumps up to my desk, parks her fat butt in front of the screen and refuses to move. If I dare type, she licks my fingers!
Next week, the parental units arrive for their annual pilgrimage. They'll be here for 4 weeks. How much work do you think I'll get done then? Too little! But at least I'll probably get in some shopping, some movies and some gin games. Maybe I should take a goal vacation. Please - talk me out of that!

1 comment:

Julie S said...

Maybe one of your goals should be to get through February with your sanity!

My cat likes the spot in front of the computer screen, too. So cute. (NOT!)