Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rantings and Ravings

I am on a roll! I've made my daily word goals on my current WIP all week. Today, I blasted past it and reached a total of over 8,000 words this week. For those non-writers out there, that's about 32 pages. Not too shabby considering I took Saturday off for a Bris and then baby shower.
I'm getting totally freaked out by the sight of my 13 year old daughter wearing makeup. We let her do a subtle look on special occasions and when she's playing with friends. But it's so strange to see her looking so grown up.
My editor tells me we're moving into the home stretch with edits of The Kitten Club, which will be released sometime this year in print. I can't wait to have that one finished. It's my first serious (Non-comedic) romance and has some really heart-wrenching stuff in it.
My husband and I are entering the final countdown before the parental visit. They are coming for a month, a little shorter than usual. Don't worry - they don't lodge with us, but at a nearby condo.
Just reworked my website with the help of George, my tech guru and sort of brother-in-law. Now I'll be able to do the updates instead of having to bug him all the time. Please let me know what you think.


Julie S said...

WTG on the word count, Dara! I haven't been meeting mine, but that's b/c I've had my nose in the GMC book.

Your website looks great!

April said...

The website looks great!

I've sooooo got to get in gear with a word count goal.... Congrats on doing so great with yours!