Sunday, March 4, 2007

Compulsives Anonymous

My name is Dara and I'm compulsive. I freely admit it. I got totally blown off course just when things were going really well on my WIP. Something happened that never happened before - I received TWO of my manuscripts back to edit at the same time. So, what is a compulsive to do. Understand that my edits are something I'm over-the-top compulsive about. The moment they arrive in my box, I work on them until they are finished - nothing may get in the way.
Because they both arrived via email, which I opened at the same time, I had to make a decision - the shorter manuscript with more edits, or the longer one with fewer edits. The editors did not put time constraints on me - I impose those all on my own. So, I worked, I slaved, I gave up sleep and I finished them this evening. (I did the shorter one with more edits first). Today I hosted an Author Day on EBookLove with Terry Odell and Jennifer Leeland, which forced me to STOP THE MADNESS for a few hours. Today is also my anniversary, but no problem - hubby is working tonight anyway - we'll celebrate Tuesday. Do you think there's any hope for me to end the addiction? Will I need a 12-step plan?

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