Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Romantic Times Convention Tracker

Tomorrow is the official opening of the Romantic Times Convention here in Orlando, but I spent today volunteering. I stuffed goody bags, registered people and met some very nice folks. A bonus for me - I learned the lay of the land at the sprawling hotel. I also learned parking spots are few and usually hell and gone from where I want to be.
Those familiar with Orlando many years ago recognize the new Wyndham Hotel as the former Marriott Hotel. I had a friend who worked at the Marriott many many moons ago and low and behold - parking spots were few and far between way back then. Apparently when they remodeled the place, they forgot that minor issue.
Saturday, April 25 is the Giant Book Fair with Mr. Romance models roaming the floor and hundreds of authors signing their books. The event runs from 11 - 2. Come by and say hi!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's Always Something

I sure hope I'm back on target with my word count goals. Today I did a whopping 3,000 words. I'm through with major edits for the moment so I should have time to work on my WIP every day again. Except this darned Spring Break thing my kids keep reminding me is happening next week. As Roseann Rosannadanna used to say..."It's always something!"

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Compulsives Anonymous

My name is Dara and I'm compulsive. I freely admit it. I got totally blown off course just when things were going really well on my WIP. Something happened that never happened before - I received TWO of my manuscripts back to edit at the same time. So, what is a compulsive to do. Understand that my edits are something I'm over-the-top compulsive about. The moment they arrive in my box, I work on them until they are finished - nothing may get in the way.
Because they both arrived via email, which I opened at the same time, I had to make a decision - the shorter manuscript with more edits, or the longer one with fewer edits. The editors did not put time constraints on me - I impose those all on my own. So, I worked, I slaved, I gave up sleep and I finished them this evening. (I did the shorter one with more edits first). Today I hosted an Author Day on EBookLove with Terry Odell and Jennifer Leeland, which forced me to STOP THE MADNESS for a few hours. Today is also my anniversary, but no problem - hubby is working tonight anyway - we'll celebrate Tuesday. Do you think there's any hope for me to end the addiction? Will I need a 12-step plan?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Goals Gone Bad

Is there something in the air? Something that makes people abandon their commitment to their goals? I've not met my writing goals for better than a week now. Shame on me. Yet, I read my friend Julie's blog, and discover she's done the same thing. I think we both have a disease - an insidious, creeping crud that attacks in the wee hours and refuses to let go. It's called...COMPANY!!!
But, there's the good news. The Kitten Club was released in ebook form yesterday. And I have been busy promoting it. Also, my son has gained acceptance to two universities - one local and one away. I'm praying for local. His parents are definitely not ready for him to leave the nest. Also, I have started a new book. I just haven't progressed very far. Sixteen pages in over a week. When my company heads for home, I'll head for the computer and do some serious word counts - I hope. And some serious calorie counting!

Monday, February 19, 2007

More good news this morning. Maybe that random kind remarks thing is paying off! I found out today that TWO of my 2006 releases are Ecataromance Reviewers' Choice Award nominees. Two of my RWA chapter members, J. Gilbert and Roxanne St. Claire also had books nominated. Both Judith and Roxanne are wonderful authors and I'm honored to be in their company.
In other news, my daughter will participate in our county science fair tomorrow. She and her friend compared the cleanliness of dining areas at local fast food restaurants. All I can say is TAKE OUT!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Good Day!

Ever notice how a few kind words can really make your day? First I get an email from my new editor at The Wild Rose Press saying she's heard great comments about the short story we're going to start editing. Then she tells me she's read through it and loves it, and that I have a lot of talent! Good vibes surrounded me. Then, out of the blue, I got a note from Aspen Mountain Press about a book that doesn't quite fit the mold for most other publishers. I'd kind of given up on finding a home for it. But based on a synopsis and the first three chapters, they offered me a contract to e-publish it. The editor had nice things to say as well. Lesson learned: Positive comments can really lift someone's spirits. Say at least one unexpected nice thing to someone every day!