Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Goals Gone Bad

Is there something in the air? Something that makes people abandon their commitment to their goals? I've not met my writing goals for better than a week now. Shame on me. Yet, I read my friend Julie's blog, and discover she's done the same thing. I think we both have a disease - an insidious, creeping crud that attacks in the wee hours and refuses to let go. It's called...COMPANY!!!
But, there's the good news. The Kitten Club was released in ebook form yesterday. And I have been busy promoting it. Also, my son has gained acceptance to two universities - one local and one away. I'm praying for local. His parents are definitely not ready for him to leave the nest. Also, I have started a new book. I just haven't progressed very far. Sixteen pages in over a week. When my company heads for home, I'll head for the computer and do some serious word counts - I hope. And some serious calorie counting!

1 comment:

Julie S said...

Yes, there is something in the air!! It seems like everyone I've talked to lately is unmotivated for whatever reason.

Congrats on the Kitten Club release!!!