I did it. I ran my first RWA meeting today. I think I actually did okay. At least I didn't fall flat on my face! We had a big turnout and a super program about goal setting and I actually got a few more people to volunteer to do more things for the organization. I think I also turned a corner with my thirteen-year-old. Instead of threatening her with all the evils of man if she didn't stop her antics at school and her irresponsibility at home, I dangled many little carrots before her - time on the computer, Sunday breakfasts out, sleepovers. She suddenly seems much more interested in keeping her behavior in check:-)
Our other first this week was an email from her principal asking us to meet with her to discuss our little teenangel's lack of impulse control. For the first time since I was in school, I'm nervous!
Wow, you got people to volunteer to help at your meeting? If you can do that, you can do anything. ;-)
Okay? You did a MARVELOUS job running that meeting!
WTG on the child rearing. I like that term, teenangel. Cute.
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